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Steely rapid heating


Steely rapid heating

This curious device was marketed as an accessory in the 1950s for owners who though their Volkswagen was somewhat below par in the heating department. „STEELY Rapid“ was manufactured by Steely GmbH who were based in Frankfurt-am-Main, and were so convinced of the effectiveness of their invention that they registered a worldwide patent. They anticipated high sales from their innovative heating system, especially in colder countries, such as Sweden, and the set shown here was sold by Skandinaviens Steely importer „AB INTERPRODUCTS“ in Stockholm. It was supplied with a very simple installation system that required no welding. To start with, the two heat-exchanges needed to be removed and disassembled, and then part of the rear housing was cut off as required, and the heat exchangers mounted back onto the VW crankcase. The generous steel bores of the new heating pipes with their thick-walled cylinders ensued an effective interchange of exhaust gas and fresh air. However, even in the days of make-do and DIY, it was probably too laborious a modification for most owners to bother with, which meant it was not the commercial success its inventors hoped for.

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