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1956 Oval beetle ragtop


1956 Oval beetle ragtop

The oval sunroof from 56 was bought when I was 17. I was in school and a friend told me he knows a 70’s beetle for sale and if I was interested…it needed lots of work. Me and my father went to look at it. The seller was a car collector who bought 5 cars in one deal. One of them was the beetle. Before he showed us the barn, he asked me what my intentions were. I said: I want to restore it like it came from the factory. When he opened the door I directly noticed an oval rear window and later on, after I climed over a truck….a sunroof. Asked if it was complete and with a yes, almost I took it. I payed 5000 Belgian Franks for it (that is 125 euro). The car was towed home in the middle of a snow blizzard. No window in it, seated on a wooden box as a seat I was frozen arriving at home but oh so happy. I still have the oval and it is restored 2 times.

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