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Hirschmann Auta 8000


Hirschmann Auta 8000

Here's a super-rare VW accessory from Hirschmann: It's a hand-operated antenna from the mid-1950s, and they only made 1.000 of them. The version we have here was specially produced for VW Beetles, with its 54-degree angled chromed base. Due to the reinforcement panel on Karmann-built covertibles, this will only fit regular Beetles. For Porsches and other cars there was a version with a flat base. There was also a version with a few 6 volt electric motor to power the winding mechanism. The hand-operated antenna was available in the Hirschmann catalogue until the mid-´60s. The mounting instructions for the AUTA 8000 explain exactly where to drill the holes under the dash of your Beetle. Once fitted, the chromed lever was located to the left of the steering column, allowing the driver to raise and lower the antenna. It was a highly innovative accessory, but sadly a commercial flop, due to its exorbitant retail price.

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