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Perohaus steering column switch


Perohaus steering column switch

Although many pointless accessories were made for the Volkswagen over the years, this rare Perohaus accessory is certainly not one of them. Having a switch on the dashboard for the indicators or a foot operated main-beam switch may have seemed outdated to some Split Beetle owners, and to address this, the accessory manufacturer Perohauscame up with a great solution. They produced a steering column-mounted combination switch unit with integrated indicator, horn, headlights and main-beam light-switch. To fit the unit you simply sandwiched the two halves of the housing around the steering column and screwed them together. Once in place you had all the control switches close to hand, right behind the steering wheel. VW moved the indicator control to the steering column in October 1952 on the Zwitter Beetle, and it wasn’tuntil August 1965 that the high-beam switch was moved up to the column lever. Perohaus was founded in 1810 by Reichsgrafen of Sweden and PrussiaPerohaus. To begin with, the company made equipment for horse-drawn carriages, along with related equipment such as harnesses. By 1929 they were producing accesories for trailers and motor vehicles, and by the ’50s Perohaus had grown into a worldwide supplier, making decorative mouldings for caravans, car accessories and upholstery. The Munich-based company still operates under the name MAH.

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