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1979 Karmann beetle convertible


1979 Karmann beetle convertible

The 1979 Karmann is another story. We had a 74 Karmann which needed a serious welding job and a complete restauration. At one point, my father came home from a weekend trip with his brother and visiting the Mosel area near Piesport. The winemaker we knew since long, pointed him in the direction of the seller that weekend. He went there to see the car, made a agree and came home. As there was another man interested in the convertible, my dad knew, he needed to be there on Monday morning early to beat the other buyer. So when he told me he got home and needed to go back, I took a day of work and hit the road. Inspection made, found to be a real good condition and bought it on the spot. Deal done, one happy owner and maybe a disappointed second man who wanted it. Amongst these cars, I have other VW’s like an army kubel type 181. Belgian Army delivered air force car. Solid, no rust but need attention as the roof is worn, the seats are not original and the heater is dead.. But it starts on the spot. Another car on the to do list is again a Baywindow camper. The bay is in the collection but need a huge amount of work. My daughters are growing up and soon they need a that one is next.

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