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Schenck ashtray


Schenk gear shaft ashtray

In the early 1950s, Mr. Schenk worked for the car accessory manufacturer Karl Meier (KAMEI) in Wolfsburg. In-house, he developed new concepts, and back home after working hours, he came up with a plastic ashtray specially for the Volkswagen. Quick to install, and without any drilling. Only the shift knob needed to be unscrewed from the gearlever, and the ashtray would slide over it. At the desired height you’d simply screw the top part that then compressed a washer inside fixing it firmly onto your shifter. So you could easily dump your cigarette ash while driving. The Schenk ashtrays came in white and black. Chances of you being able to buy a real Schenk ashtray now are very limited. Even reproductions are offered as originals and sold very expensively, so be careful. A real Schenk ashtray can be recognized by its very smooth plastic surface, inside and out. On many reproductions the inside is rough. Also the thread of a real Schenk “Ascher” is much finer than that of the reproduction counterparts. We wish you a lot of fun with your hunt for an original!

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