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Motometer Kombi-Instrument NOS


MOTO METER Kombi-Instrument

The Oval dashboard, which has been in use since October 1952, is considered by many VW fans to be the most beautiful dashboard of all from the Beetle era. It was introduced when Volkswagen removed the standard mounted clock and inserted a chrome grille instead, right in the centre, which was mainly intended as a cover for a speaker. MOTO METER used this space for its own panel for three additional instruments. Here you can see an ultra-rare, new-in-box, 3-in-1 MOTO METER instrument cluster. Even the small auxiliary parts and the tank sensor are still in their original packaging. Usually, even when you have the chance to buy such a panel set used, you discover that the correct instruments - and especially the tank sensor and the sensors for the oil temperature - are missing. Here comes the history: MOTO METER was founded in 1912 by Hermann Schlauch, who’d emigrated to New York. His company, "Boyce MOTO METER", initially dealt with the development and production of radiator thermometers for motor vehicles: these were still the early days. Later on, in 1925, MOTO METER GmbH was founded in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, and then in 1938, Schlauch moved production to Stuttgart, and soon was employing a workforce of 300. Besides radiator thermometers, tachometers, compression pressure recorders and oil thermometers, they also produced fuel gauges. Today, MOTO METER is one of the world's leading suppliers of display instruments, sensors and vehicle electronics.

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