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Type 15 Split

Year of production
Engine number X
dark green/reseda green
Interior decoration
Crotch cooler
Water boxes
with air intakes
Tank 40 liters low version
  • split


KARMANN Wreck 15-01338 unearthed in a forest in Germany! Our registry-agent Jan Walter sent us his story and pictures:

„This summer a split vert was discovered in a landfill in a German forest. A newspaper article from 2013 showed a picture of members of a city council inspecting the area with an old beetle's wreck in front. The rear quarter panel was of a pre-53 convertible and the frame head 1949/50. Earlier in June 2015 the spot was tracked down and, when visited, the wreck was still there. The chassis was upside-down and could not be identified. For surprise there were as well the front section and both doors left. The complete left side of the car showed first or second paint in two-tone black and red. Probably the car was all coral red in early days. Even though everything was long gone, some parts showed a nice patina and some details were left to the knocked down car. After inspecting and tidying the rusty pieces the body number was found which pointed to a car build in 1950.
Finally in August the decision was made to return and dig out the remains. Right in the beginning the right sight rear quarter panel was found in the ground. While trying to free both rear quarter panels, a stuck fender forced us to dig deeper and deeper until a very well preserved rear apron appeared. Finally the remains where carried out of the woods by man power and loaded on a trailer. After more than 40 years in this environment it headed to a new friendly home. It has to be mentioned that everything, suspension, steering box, pedals, gearshift and window lift are still movable and the chassis number could finally be read as well.“

Many thanks Jan! 


Jan Walter Austria


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